Streamline Construction Certification and Claims. Digitally.
De-risk and de-stress payment certification and management.

Streamline Contractor Set Up
Forget the spreadsheets and file cabinets, set up your projects and procure your teams in PayLab. Digitise manual, laborious processes by giving contractors the tools to digitally record and handover crucial information such as Insurance documentation, Guarantees and Producer Statements.

Simplify Claims and Payment Schedules
Tired of receiving claims in a vast array of formats? Save time and stress. Receive payment claims in a digital, standardised format from all your contractors which is compliant with the Construction Contracts Act 2002. No more inconsistent and confusing formats, no more missing or inaccurate information, no more wasted time and effort.

Capture and Record Variations
Load Variations as soon as they come to light and assign them to the correct project, subcontractor or supplier immediately. Track and manage your bottom line with accurate visibility.

Automate Compliance Documentation
Streamline the paperwork and process of chasing compliance documents from contractors, such as Producer Statements and consenting documentation. PayLab will also calculate and remind you of every single retention. No more forgotten claims! Ever.

Harvest and Manage Warranties
Ensure Warranties and Guarantees are collected in a timely fashion and safely stored digitally. They can then be effortlessly handed over as a digital pack to your client at project completion. Save hassle, time and effort.

Enhance Financial Visibility
Bring all payment information together on one platform in real time. Manage Retentions automatically. See when a Claim has been received. Get payment overviews on dashboards. Manage and report on cash flow. Every day.
Get an up-to-date view of your cash flow

In the PayLab
- Project Payment Dashboards
- Warranty and Guarantee Repository
- Manage Retentions
- Manage Supply Chain
- Multi Project Views
- Standardised Payment Claims
- Ability to Certify Claims via Web Link, Email or pdf
- Easy invite
- Two-Factor Authentication
- SaaS Simplicity
- Cloud Solution Build on Microsoft Azure
- No Contracts, Monthly Billing
- Unlimited Claims
- Automatic Retention Tracking, Calculations and Reminders.